Inflammatory Bowel Disease can cause serious gastrointestinal tract problems that can lead to poor nutritional intake.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Prevalence of IBD is increasing, and nearly 200,000 people in Canada may be affected.1 The cause of IBD is not known but genetics, the immune system, and the environment are all believed to play a role.2,3 IBD symptoms can be affected by diet and stress, so lifestyle and nutritional changes may be an adjunct to medical therapies to help manage the symptoms.

Good nutrition is important in the management of IBD. Dietary changes may help reduce symptoms. A health care provider may recommend that a person make dietary changes, such as avoiding carbonated drinks, popcorn, vegetable skins, nuts, and other high-fibre foods, drinking more liquids, eating smaller meals more often, and keeping a food diary to help identify troublesome foods. Health care providers may sometimes recommend nutritional supplements and vitamins for people who do not absorb enough nutrients.


1. Bernstein  C , Wajda A, Senson LW, MacKenzie A, Koehoorn M, Jackson M, Fedorak R, Israel D, Blanchard JF..  The epidemiology of   inflammatory bowel disease in Canada:  A population-based study.  AN J Gastroentrol.  2006. 101: 1559-1568




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